Virtual Bookkeeping Services

For Real Estate Agents, Truckers, & Small Business Professionals

Here’s how it works

STEP 1:  
Receive a receipt or paystub.

STEP 2:  
Take a pic of the receipt with your cell phone.

STEP 3:  
Wait… there is NO ​step 3… you are done!


Who will be doing my books?

A suitable bookkeeper, selected and assigned by MoneyLedgers.

Will I Have to Email My Receipts?

No, you simply drop the receipt image or file into a secure encrypted bookkeeping folder. No emailing with attachments, etc…

How Will the Bookkeeper Get the Receipt?

MoneyLedgers will create and grant permission for both you and your bookkeeper to have exclusive access to your bookkeeping folder.

Can I view My Receipts & Statements?

Yes, you will receive your own, secure, encrypted folder. Login & view ALL your receipts & financials any time.

Can I Use My Scanner?

Yes, you can use your cell phone, scanner, or computer to upload files into your MoneyLedgers bookkeeping folder.

How Much Will this Cost?

Pricing starts at $99.95 per month for a 60 transactions per month average. The next 40 transactions at $40.00 per month. Then goes up by $50.00 increments for each additional 50 transactions per month. Initial setup fee of $99.00. Cancel any time.

What is Included in the Setup?

You will receive personalized instructions by way of a webinar to:
Assess & setup the Ledger software program with your needs in mind.
Instruct you on how to upload your receipts using your cell phone, scanner, and computer.
Provide you will with instructions on using your bookkeeping folder.
Answer ALL your questions.

Interested in Trying It? – Our Special Introductory Offer

To get up and running, all you pay is the initial $99.00 setup fee, then billing is at the end of each month.  Just for trying our services you get to keep the  Pro-Ledger Online software for one year free. If this interests you please call or email: and we will contact you and answer all your questions.


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